🍇 wê & üs 🍋 about 🍉 projects 

inviting systems change in the arts
2024 - current

carmen salas (ES)

produced by:

in collaboration with:
concordia university,
research chair in critical practices in materials and materiality

alice jarry (CA)
amahra spence (UK)
cassie robinson (UK)
grace samboh (hyphen—) (ID)
miguel braceli (LA ESCUELA___) (VE/US)
noémie fortin (CA)
paola palavidi (HYPERCOMF) (GR)
THINK SYSTEMS is a global project which grew out of conversations with artists and cultural workers during the pandemic, following the publication of carmen salas’s 2020 article what should we expect from art in the next few years/decades? and what is art, anyway?  the project seeks to inspire artists and the cultural sector to think more systematically about the arts, society, and the world, to raise a greater awareness about the role they play in transitioning towards a more just and sustainable future.

the group comprises participants from different backgrounds and regions around the world, including 6 artists and a multidisciplinary systems practitioner. over 4 workshops in the spring of 2024, participants will collectively reflect on the interconnected challenges of the present day, envisioning the future they want for art and society.

“the current state of the world requires a paradigm shift in the arts and in society as a whole. this calls for a re-evaluation and reconfiguration of the ways we live and operate, and the nurturing of more narratives and practices that help society, and the arts transition through these uncertain times. unless we are willing to transform the systems that have produced the current socio-ecological crisis, we will be destined to coexist with recurrent and interconnected challenges. this is why, now more than ever, we need to use all of our creative capacity to imagine the changes we want to see in our personal and professional lives, and the world around us.”
- carmen salas